Get Over Your Anxiety to Promote Your Wellness Practice

It's no secret that many of us are Type A perfectionists who struggle with anxiety and imposter syndrome. We're also healers, which means that we have a lot of love and compassion to give—but oftentimes, we don't extend that same love and compassion to ourselves. If you're struggling to promote your wellness practice because you're worried about what people will think, here are four tips to help you get over your anxiety and start promoting your business with confidence.

1. Get clear on your message. 

The first step is to get clear on what it is that you do and what you stand for. What are your unique gifts and how do they help your clients? When you're clear on your message, it's much easier to promote your business with confidence because you'll know exactly what it is that you have to offer the world.

2. Find your people. 

Not everyone is going to be interested in what you have to offer, and that's okay! The key is to find the people who are interested in what you do and who will value your services. When you focus on finding your people, you'll be able to connect with them more authentically and share your message with ease. Find your ideal clients, understand their pain points, and put yourself in front of them to let them know that you’re available for support.

3. Be yourself. 

One of the biggest mistakes that wellness providers make when promoting their businesses is trying to be someone they're not. The truth is that people are attracted to authenticity, so the more authentic you can be, the better. Be yourself and let your personality shine through in everything that you do—from social media posts to client interactions. When you show up as yourself, people will be drawn to you and your business.

4. Take care of yourself first. 

Last but not least, remember to take care of yourself first! When you're burned out, it's very difficult to promote your business with confidence—so make sure to schedule regular self-care appointments into your calendar (just like you would appointments with clients). When you take good care of yourself, everything else will fall into place much more easily. 

 If you're struggling to promote your wellness practice because of anxiety or imposter syndrome, I hope these tips will help you get over those challenges so that you can start sharing your gifts with the world! 

Remember that you have something special to offer—so don't be afraid to share it with others. 

Schedule a free consult to discuss how I can help build your practice with the following:

  • Practice building

  • Filling your caseload

  • Increasing website traffic AND referral requests

  • Finding your niche

  • Finding a marketing strategy that works for you

  • Guidance from a Sexual Wellness Industry expert